Enjoy the origins of jazz: the Dixieland street parade bands from New Orleans
Luxury Dixieland strap "Grande"
Dixieland - the style that all jazz eventually started with. This super swinging 5 -man formation with ao trumpet and trombone, let you experience the street parades of New Orleans at your event, wedding or party! Old fashioned? Not with "De Jazz Centrale" !
All our line-ups, including these, are COVID-19 proof. We can take care of our performance with at least 1,5 m distance!
Recommended line-up
trumpet + trombone + sousaphone / tuba + guitar + percussion

Very successful!
Four man dixieland band played at a buyers event with us. Was very successful.
Linda van Asselt
Business event
Really very important! Listen to our demos with headphones or good speakers!
Kleine luidsprekers zoals van een smartphone, tablet of laptop kunnen onmogelijk de diepe rijke klank van de prachtige contrabas, sousafoon of tuba weergeven. Daarom is het zo belangrijk om met hoofdtelefoon of goede luidsprekers te luisteren!
Note: chance of competing!
Draai uw telefoon naar liggend om de muziek in stereo te horen!
Video clip
Nothing can be more swinging
Ervaar de oorsprong van jazz met deze vrolijke dixieland band. Een weergaloos swingende 5-mans formatie die de meest swingende klassiekers ten gehore brengt zoals Oh When the Saints en tegelijk moeiteloos omschakelt naar melancholische ballads als Mood Indigo van Duke Ellington. Combineer de power van trompet en trombone met de majesteuze klank van sousafoon (tuba) en overgiet dat met de ritmische begeleiding van gitaar en slagwerk, en u heeft de meest swingende dixieland band die er te boeken is.
Old fashioned? Not at all!
Natuurlijk — er zijn talloze dixieland bandjes te vinden op internet. Allemaal met clowneske outfits, stroohoedjes en uniforme gilletjes. Maar u zoekt natuurlijk de stijlvolle variant — en die vindt u bij de Jazz Centrale. Bij ons geen oubollige, theatrale dixieland act, maar classy geklede, good looking, zeer ervaren professionals die tot de top van de jazzscène behoren. Zo krijgt dixieland plotseling een totaal andere vibe en tovert het uw feest of event om tot een vrolijke maar tegelijk stijlvolle ervaring.
Loop orchestra
A dixieland band would not be a dixieland band if the orchestra is not mobile. This is of course swinging line-up therefore completely mobile and can perform in various places of your event or party. You can even walk around while playing.
Perfectly audible
Of course, dixieland bands often perform at locations where some extra volume is welcome - without becoming too loud. At "De Jazz Centrale" all this in order. Thanks to the great experience of the musicians, we can provide the right volume in every situation.
Why "De Jazz Centrale"?
- More than 300 gigs per year
- A team of enthusiastic professionals
- Kars carefully selected all musicians
- Always music on background volume
- We play throughout the Netherlands and Belgium
- Well-dressed musicians
- Atmospheric lighting
- We provide equipment and instruments
- 100% certainty, because full backup in case of illness
How does "De Jazz Centrale" work?
Our team consists of more than 200 professional jazz musicians who belong to the absolute top.
Jazz is a musical world language. We speak it fluently and can therefore perform in all possible line-ups!
Laat u adviseren door Kars, jazzpianist en founder van de Jazz Centrale!
Many booked alternatives
You can also consider one of the popular formations below.
Let Kars advise you!
"As a professional jazz musician and founder of "De Jazz Centrale" I am able to advise you like no other, based on real practical experience. With more than 10 years of experience and many hundreds of performances at receptions, weddings and corporate events, I've experienced everything, so I'm happy to advise you from my broad experience.
Call me directly +31 6 24 75 29 71. Or send me here a whatsapp"